Real live elk in Elk Grove Village?

Did you know that Elk Grove Village has an area where they keep elk? It’s at Busse Woods, the Cook County Forest Preserve, at the corner of Higgins and Arlington Heights Road.

A quick story, I’ve started bike riding which I’ve never been that good at! I’m close enough to Busse Woods to ride my bike over the bike bridge and into the forest preserve. There is an area where you pass a fenced-in section in Elk Grove Village where they keep their elk. Since COVID I have not seen the elk but last week, they were back! Just three elks, one male with beautiful antlers!

I had to do a piece dedicated to the elk. I’m not into realism but this piece wanted to be an elk. Now I look forward to seeing them on my bike rides! Hope you’re getting out into nature to see something beautiful in your neck of the woods!

2 Replies to “Real live elk in Elk Grove Village?”

  1. Yes, that is a popular area to see the elk. People park in the parking lot and sit in their cars to watch the elk. I know they’re not there all the time, sometimes hiding in the back woods. You have
    to be lucky to see them.

    Nice portrait you drew.

    1. You’re absolutely correct that you have to be lucky to see them! Today I went out at the same time, same path, and no elk! Who knows where they hide!!

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