Word of the Year

Are you a resolutions kind of person? Do you make them? Then break them? Then feel bad about breaking them? Me too! But no more! I am now choosing a Word of the Year and it is so much better.

Towards the end of December, I start consciously thinking about what I would like to see happening in my life for the next year. When I’m least expecting it, a word just won’t leave me alone. At first I say it a couple of times and think, I wonder if that will be my word. If I never think of it again, then it’s not my word. BUT if it just keeps coming up in different ways in daily life, I know that will need to be my word. Last year my word was Evolve. Sometimes I think, I don’t know if I did it justice. Then when I look back over the year, I think, yes, my artwork has evolved, my friend circle has evolved, my gluten-free cooking has evolved and the list goes on!

This year as I’m sitting in church at St. Peter, there is a sermon on light. I think about how I would like to be a light in this dark world. Then the word just keeps coming up in conversation. I see layers of light in my art. I need to eat lighter food. It’s amazing how the word doesn’t let go! So my word this year is LIGHT! It seems to touch on so many different areas of my life and it has so many different meanings. I’m excited to explore the light!

In order to keep my word front and center all year, I make a piece of art to hang somewhere that I’ll see it on a daily basis. What I like about this part is that I give myself restrictions. I have to use materials found in my studio (aka, the basement). I cannot go out and buy anything for this! Lucky for me I have a lot to choose from! Here are a couple of photos of my piece in progress.

Starting with stencils and modeling paste.
In progress…

This is a quick, fun way to explore your word. It’s not perfect and it’s not meant to be. It’s Wabi Sabi! I can’t wait to hear your Word of the Year!

Here’s to a healthy, happy, and light-filled 2019!