Easy Activities to Increase Your Creativity

The question I get asked most often is, “Do you think I could do that?” And my answer is most definitely, “Yes!”

Enhancing Creativity

There are so many ways to enhance your creativity level in your life. I think these examples will surprise you!

We’ll start with the person who doesn’t think they are creative. (My husband, Dan, I’m talking to you!)

  • Do you decorate your home with paint colors on the wall, furniture, and art on the walls?
  • Do you put together a matching outfit every morning?
  • Do you plan your garden design or landscaping?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then you are creative!

Now that we know you are a creative person, let’s find easy activities to increase your creativity.

According to a blog post on April 26, 2011 from Psychology Today, there are 6 techniques to ignite your inner creativity and passion.

  1. Mindful meditation practice
  2. Dabbling in the arts
  3. Immersing yourself in nature
  4. Entering a sacred space
  5. Seeking out creative stimulation
  6. Mindful movement

I agree with these techniques 100% but I wanted to go through each one to give you an example of what that might look like for you.

Mindful Meditation Practice

Zentangle practice

Have you heard of Zentangle? It is an easy, relaxing, drawing technique that brings you into a state of mindfulness. I didn’t understand the term “mindfulness” at first, but after I started drawing zentangles just for fun, I found that it helps calm me, increases my focus, creativity, and self-confidence. Check out zentangle.com to learn more.

Dabbling In The Arts

What I think is important here is that you are “dabbling”. You can’t start experimenting in any form of art and expect to be a master painter. It takes practice!!

My suggestion is to pick up a fun art supply that interests you and have a go. Just dabble and experiment for 15 minutes, 3 days a week for 2 weeks. If you hit on something you enjoy, go deeper. Take a class on that medium, look up a YouTube video, make something larger, or make a gift for someone.

My favorite way to stay connected to art is through Art Journaling. You get a blank, no lines, book and once a month, do a 2-page spread using whatever art supplies you have. Add words describing something you are grateful for that month. If it takes you a week or a month to get the page done, that’s perfectly fine. Just do it!

Art Journal Page - Just Do It from February 2019
Art Journal page Feb 2019

I’m going to have some intro videos that give you ideas on different art products and techniques that will help get you started. Stay tuned!

Immersing Yourself in Nature

Take a camera or your iphone and go for a walk in a forest preserve or arboretum, or even a zoo. Take pictures of everything that you feel connected to.

Entering a Sacred Space

Do you go to a place of worship? I love spending time with my church friends whether it’s at a church function, small group at someone’s home, or just getting together for fellowship (usually over food and drinks!) If you don’t have a church home, talk to a friend that you know goes to church and ask them about it. God made us a creative being that likes to be in community with others!

When you get home pick out a favorite, print it out, and include it in your art journal so that you can remember how you felt when you were immersed in nature!

When I’m sitting in church and I hear something that touches my heart, I jot it down so I can add it to my art journal during my next creative time. That art journal just keeps on coming up!!

Seeking Out Creative Stimulation

This refers to getting out in the world and being present and absorbing someone else’s creativity. An example would be going to a concert, theater, art museum, or a poetry reading.

I belong to the Artists’ Association of Elk Grove Village and we have a local artist come to our monthly meetings and provide us with a demo. It always inspires me to create something myself!

The important part here is that you go feeling open to the creative juices that will surround you. Find something that makes you stop and wonder about it, then describe that feeling in your art journal so you can reflect on those feelings later.

Do you see a common thread?

Mindful Movement

Here we are talking about physical movement that is done purposefully. Yoga, pilates, or dance are all different types of movement that come to mind. Engaging in your physical strength will help to engage in your creative release.

In summary, below are some tangible ideas that you can start today to increase your creativity and lower your stress!

  • Zentangle
  • Art Journal
  • Photography Hike
  • Attend Worship
  • Visit an Art Museum
  • Sign up for a Yoga Class

Let me know in the comments, which easy activity to increase your creativity that you are going to try today!