Procrastination — does it control you?

How long has it been since my last post? Too long! I am guilty of procrastinating everything that has to do with technology! My personal goal is to complete something artistic every day. Easy peasy! My Technology goal is to publish a post every other week preferably on Tuesdays. Guess what — it’s Thursday and it’s been forever since my last post!! Why do I procrastinate so much in this area?

My answer is because writing is not second nature for me. Does it come naturally for you? Life gets in the way so easily and quickly that the days just fly by! School has started and my youngest is now a Junior in high school! I can’t believe it! And for my next post I will have a big life update to share with you!

Fall Exhibit of Work from Local Artists

In the meantime, we have an Exhibit up at the Elk Grove Village Public Library in the Large Meeting Room. If you are local, please stop in when the room is not being used and take a look at all the beautiful art that is for sale from local artists. There is so much talent out there! If you are looking for a piece of art for your home, see if you can find something that speaks to you at the library. The exhibit will be up until the middle of September.

Small Steps

Whatever is on your to-do list that you keep putting off, stop procrastinating! Try to do something small, like this small blog post! It is a step in the right direction! Let me know what you keep procrastinating with (so I don’t feel so alone with this problem)! I have a lot of new art that is being finished for a Juried Art Show. I will share with you each of those pieces very soon!

Happy Labor Day!!