Crazy busy is a good thing, right?

There are many things going on in the studio these days! Let me just touch on a few of them here.

The 40th Annual Trees Exhibit at the Elk Grove Public Library is ending on April 30th, 2022. It’s always so fun to see all the different interpretations of a common theme, such as trees.

After that, our poetry collaboration between the AAEGV and the IL Poet Society begins on April 30th, 2022 with an artist reception from 1-3pm at the library. The poets will be there reading their poems while we view the artist’s interpretation of the poem through a visual painting. They will be on display the entire month of May.

On Saturday, April 23rd, 2022, One Inspired Evening will hold it’s art auction in order to raise money for the homeless people in Chicago. I love this organization because they bring people off the street and give them clothing, food, shelter and teach them how to cook and interview. The One Inspired Evening Gala is the culmination of their training! They become the chefs and servers and make a beautiful evening for all the artists who donated and many sponsors.

The next event that I’m participating in is the Mother Earth Market at Brushwood Center in Ryerson Woods. It is a magical location with a historical home where the art is held, hiking trails all around, and a working farm in the back. The event will begin online for a couple days culminating with an in person market through Mother’s Day 2022.

Word of the Year – 2021

Welcome 2021! It is time to select a Word of the Year. I have done this a few years now and I like it so much more than making resolutions. Your word of the year is more like a guiding word that will align with your goals, but also give you a few surprises throughout the year.

Usually I start thinking about the past year (don’t want to dwell on that too long for 2020), then read through some word ideas and see what resonates.

My word this year is Streamline. Not a fluffy, pretty word, but one that I can’t shake! This year will be challenging at times (my son and daughter-in-law are pregnant with twins and they will probably be coming early, very early) and I need to prioritize and streamline my art. I need to be available to them whenever they need me!

I was using up some acrylic paint and I created a couple of landscapes. Serene and peaceful came to mind. Exactly the place that I need to put my Streamline Word of the Year! I will display it in my art room to remind me all throughout 2021.

Let me know if you have a Word of the Year! I would love to hear what it is and how you chose it (or how it chose you!)

Stay creative,

Wrapping up 2020

The year 2020 is definitely going down in history for so many things!! Have you seen the COVID-19 ornament that summarizes this year?


I think seeing all the restrictions and crazy things that happened this year in ornament form, makes it seem not so bad! This doesn’t even touch on any of the political issues or social justice issues that have also dominated this year. I just hope and pray for peace, health and happiness for all people!!

Most of my family went to Willowcreek’s Winter Wonderland light festival. Something outside that we can do together to kick off the Christmas season! Here are some pictures:

It was chilly out but as you can tell by our warm, fuzzy hats, we were prepared! It was a beautiful night!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to each of you!

New Release Coming Soon

Virtual release of small works in encaustics with the theme of “Delicate Strength”

Local Elk Grove Village artist, Tammy Haman, will release a series of 8 small encaustic paintings on panel sized 8”x8”, each inspired by the theme Delicate Strength.

Tammy explains, “My art is inspired by nature in a whimsical way. I want to focus on the positive, beautiful things in life and bring that positivity to your home or office.

In my Delicate Strength series, my goal is to help you remember that no matter what difficult or traumatic experiences you are going through, you have an inner strength that comes from faith to help you get through the tough times.”

Tammy’s new painting series, Delicate Strength, will be accessible online through her website and a 3D viewing room where visitors can virtually navigate the exhibition and experience the art as if they’re walking through an art gallery.

Tammy Haman is a Chicago area-based artist working in encaustics and mixed media. Tammy is in the sandwich generation where she cares for her aging parents, a teenager at home, and babysits a grandchild a couple days a week. Creating is a necessary escape from the family responsibilities!

The Delicate Strength series will be released, Saturday, November 21, 2020 via the artist website and Instagram

For additional information, contact Tammy Haman at

Tea with Tammy, Episode 3

Continue on the art journey with me! Today we collage our tea bags to our encaustic pieces with encaustic wax. If you are following along, don’t forget to share your own work!

I have added a Tea with Tammy page here on my website where I will list every episode. Just click the Tea with Tammy picture below or go to and scroll down to Episode 3. Grab a cup of tea and I’ll see you over there!

Starting a new challenge…

I am an encaustic mixed media artist in the Chicago suburbs and I am excited to participate with the Small Works Challenge. I’m going to sell 8 encaustic pieces on 8×8 panels. My series will be called Delicate Strength. Each piece will have an abstract floral that is very delicate in the lacing and coloring of the petals, yet very strong. This represents the feelings that I’ve gone through these past few months and I hope to bring strength and courage to others.

Please follow along on my journey to push myself through the Small Works Challenge! I will be joining many other artists around the world in this challenge and that in itself is very exciting!!

Stay creative!

Tea with Tammy Ep2

Welcome back to Tea with Tammy, Episode 2. Today we’re doing some mark making on our dried tea bags. I’ll be using the humble circle with India inks and alcohol inks. You could use watercolor or if you’re going to put them in an art journal, you could use acrylic paints. Just find things around the house to make marks! Most important, just be creative and have fun!