Art Journal for 2020

Welcome to 2020! A new year with new possibilities! For the last few years, I have chosen a word of the year and I’m continuing that tradition today! (with a spin)

This year I have created a handmade journal out of watercolor paper that is going to give me 12 pages or spreads. The idea is that I want to work on one each month and use it as a tool to remember something that happened each month.

My husband and I usually go through each month and talk about the highlights on New Years and this year, we couldn’t think of anything interesting that happened in February! Now I’m sure something interesting did happen, but we did not document it anywhere. May was also uneventful but Mother’s Day is in May so I’m sure we did something spectacular!

My plan is that this art journal will not let that happen this year! And to keep me accountable, I’m going to post each page that I complete here on my blog.

If you would like to make your own journal, let me know and I can post a video showing how I made mine.

Here’s a couple photos of how it looks when its done.

Front of art journal
Blank art journal showing the binding.
First layers of art journal
Embrace 2020 Art Journal

As you can see, I have written my word of the year on the front page of my art journal with the year. Embrace is a word that came to me after writing about the changes that I wanted to make in 2020.

I also found a bible verse to help guide me throughout the year. Just to put it in context, the word “She” is referring to wisdom. Proverbs 3:18 She is a tree of life for those who embrace her, and whoever clutches her tightly will be joyful.

I hope you plan on choosing a word of the year and let me know in the comments what it is!

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