36th Annual Juried Art Show

This year marks the 36th Annual Juried Art Show for the Artists’ Association of Elk Grove Village. I am so honored to be the Exhibit Chairman of this event! The show began at the beginning of October where 91 pieces of art were displayed in the Elk Grove Public Library and a professional watercolor artists was brought in to do the judging.

We also had 5 businesses that Promised to Purchase a Painting. They come in during that first weekend of the show and choose the paintings they would like to purchase in their price range.

All together, there is over $3,000 going out in prize money and sales!

This show is open to non-members as well for an additional fee, so if you would like to participate next year, send me a message and I’ll add you to the list!

The winning paintings are on display at the library for the remainder of the month of October. If you would like to take a look at some fabulous art, stop by during regular library hours, and if the large meeting room is open, go on in! It’s fun to see what the judge chose and compare it to what you would have chose!

I had a painting in the show that won an Award of Excellence ribbon and that same painting was sold to Dr. McShane from Medical Dental Associates in Elk Grove. Here’s a photo of the painting with me and my mother-in-law!

I really enjoy putting this show together and so excited to receive an award on top of it! It is wonderful having so much support from my family and the other artists in our guild!

Your last chance to see the artwork is Sunday, October 26th. The show comes down around 3pm. In the meantime, be creative!